S-Ateen Checklist
If you are a teenager and have been affected by the sexaholic behavior of a parent, family member, or friend, you can find help in S-Ateen whether or not that person seeks recovery from sexual addiction.
Please take a moment to ask yourself the questions below to help you decide whether you can benefit from what S-Ateen has to offer. This checklist is provided as a tool; answers are not being recorded in any way.
Do you feel you are living in a home with secrets? Do you feel it is your responsibility to keep those secrets?
Has someone shared adult information with you that made you feel uncomfortable?
Have you felt hurt, embarrassed, or ashamed by someone’s sexual behavior?
Do you feel no one would believe you if you shared what is going on in your home or other areas of your life?
Do you hide or isolate? Are you afraid or embarrassed to bring friends home because of what is happening in the family?
Are you concerned with someone’s improper use of the Internet, text messaging, or other media?
Do you hesitate to speak to a family member or friend about problems you are experiencing because they seem to have their own problems, or you think they won’t understand?
Do you find it difficult to recognize how you are feeling and how to express those feelings appropriately?
Do you feel angry, lonely, fearful, and/or depressed?
Do you feel you should be able to control other people’s behavior, or you should be able to do something to help them?
Do you lie or make excuses to yourself about another person’s behavior? Do you sometimes lie to cover up your own mistakes?
Have you felt confused about what is true and what is not true when talking with the sexaholic, or another person associated with the sexaholic?
Has a family member or friend ever been in jail or other legal trouble because of his or her sexual behavior, or do you worry this could happen in the future?
Do you have problems keeping up with schoolwork or other responsibilities due to problems at home?
Do you stay in unhealthy friendships or dating relationships?
Do you hide your feelings, or pretend you don’t care if you are sad, lonely, fearful, or angry?
Do you ever try to escape from your feelings by using alcohol, food, drugs, social media, computer games, or other activities?
Do you feel responsible for the safety or happiness of family members or friends?
Are you always looking for someone’s approval or praise or feel the need to be perfect?
When things are calm at home, do you anticipate or wait for problems to start again?
Do you feel you have too much responsibility for someone your age?
Do you tell yourself that what is going on with your family or friends isn’t that bad and is probably normal?
Have you lost love and/or respect for one or both of your parents or other authority figures?
Do you think if only your family members and friends acted differently, then you would be happy?
Do you believe you are alone in your problems?
If you can answer “yes” to some of these questions, you may find help in S-Ateen.
“Reprinted with permission of S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc.”
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